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Friday 13 July 2012

How To Add Floating Share Buttons With Pinterest ‘ Pin It ’ To Blogger Posts


There were so many requests on this post asking me to update the floating share buttons with Pinterest Pin it button. But I wasn’t on Pinterest then and never gave gave it much consideration…I said to myself it’s just a new, obscure social network that’s going to fade away in no time. I was wrong! Pinterest has grown to be the third largest social network in the world after Facebook and Twitter and that got me thinking where the heck is Google +! Pinterest can be a real source of traffic if well used and this is a proven fact. Ignoring the potential of Pinterest in driving traffic to your site and exposing your content to a wider audience isn’t such a wise idea.

This new floating share buttons is quite similar to the one I posted last year but the tweet button is changed and Pinterest “Pin it” button is now included. Other buttons included are StumbleUpon, Digg, Google +1 and Facebook share.
Adding these floating share buttons to your blog is a sure way to drive more traffic to your posts as users visitors find it easier using the fixed buttons. It’s a clear message asking them they should share the post ;)

Adding the Floating Share Buttons to Blogger

- Log in to Blogger and go to Template > Edit HTML
- Check the box labelled Expand Widgets Template
- Search for <data:post.body/> or <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'/>
- In the line just below that, paste this code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<!--Start Floating Share Buttons with Pinterest doncaprio.com-->
<style type='text/css'>
#pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:15%; right:10px; float:left; border: 1px solid black; border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;background-color:#eff3fa;padding:0 0 2px 0;z-index:10;}
#pageshare .sbutton {float:left;clear:both;margin:5px 5px 0 5px;}
.fb_share_count_top {width:48px !important;}
.fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:49px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;}
<div id='pageshare' title='Share with your friends'>
<div class='sbutton' id='fb'>
<a href='http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php' name='fb_share' type='box_count'>Share</a><script src='http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share' type='text/javascript'/>
<div class='sbutton' id='rt'>
<script src='http://tweetmeme.com/i/scripts/button.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<div class='sbutton' id='gplusone'>
<script src='https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<g:plusone size='tall'/>
<div class='sbutton' id='gb'>
<a class='pin-it-button' count-layout='vertical' expr:href='&quot;http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=&quot; + data:post.url'>Pin It</a>
<a href='javascript:void(run_pinmarklet())' style='margin-left:-46px; width:43px; height:20px; display:inline-block;'/>
<script src='http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function run_pinmarklet() {
var e=document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
e.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;,&#39;http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=&#39; + Math.random()*99999999);
<div class='sbutton' id='su'>
<script src='http://www.stumbleupon.com/hostedbadge.php?s=5'/>
<div class='sbutton' id='digg' style='margin-left:3px;width:48px'>
<script src='http://widgets.digg.com/buttons.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<a class='DiggThisButton DiggMedium'/>
<div style='clear: both;font-size: 8px;text-align:center;'><a href='http://www.doncaprio.com/2012/05/adding-floating-share-buttons-with-pinterest-pin-it-for-blogger.html' style='text-decoration: none;' target='_blank'><font color='#816D77' decoration='none'>Get widget</font></a></div><!-- Do not remove this link -->
<!--End Floating Share Buttons with Pinterest doncaprio.com-->

- Now save your template.
This widget will only be shown in post pages because I couldn’t find a way to make the Pinterest button work on all pages. If you want the floating share buttons to appear on the left side of your post, find and change #pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:15%; right:10px; to this:#pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:15%; left:10px;
If you’re on WordPress, Digg Digg plugin is a pretty nice alternative and you don’t need to do any hard coding. Like this Widget? Kindly share it!

Bypass Facebook Friend Limit Of 5000 Friends

If you happen to be a celebrity, a politician or public figure, you will find yourself reaching facebook’s friends limit in no time and when this happens, you can neither send nor receive friends request. Unlike twitter where thousands can follow you and google+ where you can be added to a countless number of circles, the limit facebook places on friendship looks rather ridiculous. But wait a minute, is it really possible to have 5,000 real friends?


To be candid, most of these people you call friends are actually fans and it’s for this reason the idea of fan pages was brought to life. Facebook pages allow you to connect with millions of people without any limit but taking a critical look at the whole thing, you might want to agree with me that the limit facebook places on the number of friends you have has a number of advantages. Knowing you would reach the limit soon, you should be mindful of people you send friends request to and those you approve. This also reduces spam to some extent.

Lots of people might see you as a snub but you don’t need to approve every request. Have you even noticed most of those 5,000 friends you have don’t even talk to you? Purging your friends list can be a good idea but if you can’t do this, there’s only a way out to pass the five thousand friends limit.

How Do I Add More than 5,000 Friends on Facebook?

Do you want to hear the truth and nothing else but the truth? You can’t possible have more than 5,000 friends unless you convert your personal profile to a fan page.This is the only way to exceed the limit but you should understand that those you’ve added as friends before are automatically changed to fans who have liked your page.


The socializing aspect of facebook may be gone after migrating as your news feed is replaced by posts from pages you like and you can no longer comment on your friends’ status updated and photos. It sucks, huh?

Well, that’s the only way out and your social life on facebook may become so boring after doing this. However, you can still receive messages but you won’t be able to use facebook chat any longer and there are lots of things you’re going to miss so you have to be sure you know exactly what you’re doing.

To convert your personal profile to a fan page, click here.

You should download your personal data containing your photos, comments among other things because according to facebook, only your profile photo and friends will be moved to your new Page. No other content will be moved. You will still be able to log in from your original email address and password.


If you still go ahead to convert your profile page to a fan page, you can create a new profile for connecting with just a selected number of friends and family. You should then set the new profile as that fan page administrator to make it easier.

Simple Javascript To Select All Facebook Fans Friends Or Invitees In 1 Click

Just a few days ago, I sent over 2,500 invitations to my facebook friends, asking them to like my fan page. You think I selected them one by one? Come on, you know that’s definitely not possible, I used a simple javascript that saved me the trouble of selecting them one after the other. With this script, I was able to select all friends and send the fan page invitation. Selecting your friends can be quite stressful especially if the page is new and you have tons of invites to send.

So, how Did I go about it?

Like I told you before, it’s nothing but a simple piece of javascript but we’re going to make a bookmarklet with it, OK?

- See the bookmarklet below? Drag it to your bookmarks toolbar.

- After that, go to your fan page and click on Build Audience > Invite Friends

- When your friends list come up, simply click on the bookmarklet you dragged to your toolbar earlier.

- It automatically selects all your friends and you can now send the invitation!

Hey, you may have to repeat this process a number of times depending on the number of people you have on your list. I tried it on a fan page but a friend also said it worked for event invitation. In case you have a facebook group too, you can try it and let us know if it works.

* * * * * * * * * *  Hint Hint  * * * * * * * * * *  

Even better then the last trick I know of ............ scroll down to the very end of friend list before you apply the script ( and just click on " Select All Friends " from your bookmarklet bar ) , so every friend from the selected list is loaded into the window ( even if you have a friend or fan list of 10000000 ) . Fun !

Switch Back To Old Facebook Profile Page From Timeline Without Developer App

I’m sure if Facebook takes a poll on whether people are comfortable with the timeline profile, up to fifty percent would love to have their old profile layout back. The last post I wrote on disabling timeline and getting back the old profile layout doesn’t work anymore because in most cases, there’s no developer app to delete. I must let you know that this tweak doesn’t fix any privacy issue you might have with timeline, visitors to your profile will still see your timeline instead of the old profile layout. This only displays your profile to you using the old style and it’s just for your view only. It’s a matter of personal taste. The logic behind this is making facebook believe your browser doesn’t support the timeline feature and reverts you back to the old profile layout, got it?

Here's How To Switch Back to Old Facebook Profile Layout Without Developer App :

For Firefox Users:

1 . Download and install User Agent Switcher addon.

2 . Go to Tools > User agent Switcher > Internet Explorer > Select Internet Explorer 7

. Now check your profile to see the old profile show up.

You might see some formatting errors like a large white space at the top. You can fix this by installing this addon by FBPurity

For Windows Vista & Windows 7

–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”

For Google Chrome Users:

1 . Right click the Google Chrome icon on your desktop or Start Menu.

2 . Select the Shortcut tab.

3 . Paste the following code in the Target window after what you have there by default. You leave a space and paste the code below after ““C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”:

For Windows Vista & Windows 7

–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”

For Windows XP

–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)”

For Windows 7

you should then have something like “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”<SPACE>–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”

4 . Now restsart your browser and refresh visit your profile. You should now see your timeline switched back to the old profile layout. If you get formatting errors like a blank white space, download and install this addon.

For Opera Browser:

This trick doesn’t work in Opera as it doesn’t support changing the user agent to specific versions of Internet Explorer like other browsers.

For Internet Explorer:

If you’re using Internet Explorer 7, then I’m sure you’re still viewsing your profile with the old profile layout but if you’re using Internet Explorer 8 or later versions, you only need to do some compatibility settings so your browser tries getting you that old facebook profile layout by viewing facebook as Internet Explorer 7.

1 . Go to your facebook profile.

2 . Click on Tools > Compatibility View Settings.

3 . Fill in facebook.com, click on “Add” and then “Close”.

4 . Refresh your profile page to see if it works.

Like I mentioned earlier, this tweak only switches the your profile back to the old layout for you only. Visitors to your profile still see your timeline. There’s no sure know to totally disable facebook timeline for now, you can only try to limit or hide it or try deleting all your old posts.

4 Ways To Disable Facebook Timeline

I hate facebook timeline just like most facebook users. The stupid change was greeted with lots of noise but it seems Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t care what you think. Timeline is here to stay and there seems nothing can be done to make Facebook change this. I’ve written series of posts on how to get back your old facebook profile layout and one of them still works till date. Facebook timeline sucks due to two major reasons:

- Anyone can easily scroll down to 2005 to know how you were using facebook then. It’s a lot better if some things remained in the past where they belong

- It doesn’t look too good to me. The old profile looks a lot neater. I may sound cynical and hate changes but I’m just expressing my point of view here

However, I found four different ways to get back your old facebook profile and disable timeline and it only takes a couple of minutes to get it done. Hey, I have to let you know that this methods and every other one out there will only change back to the old profile layout for your view only, not all your friends. Anyone who visits your profile will still get o see that timeline thingy.

1 . Using Facebook Timeline Remover For Google Chrome

This one only works with Google Chrome for now and it’s easy to install as well.

- Click the install button below to begin the download.

Install Now

Give the addon the required permission:

- Refresh your timeline, you should now have your old facebook profile back You can remove the plugin from your browser anytime you want. To disable or enable Facebook Timeline Remover click on the icon at the top right corner as shown , so you can always switch back and forth.

2 . Deleting All Posts on your Timeline

This won’t get you back your old profile but if you think the best thing to do is to wipe out your entire timeline or a specific year, then you definitely need Facesoftware to do that.

Download Facesoftware

I still prefer the first option though, it seems like the best of the three. Please note that the old profile layout you get is for your view only and your friends will still see your timeline. This browser addon doesn’t remove your timeline, it only hides it from you. Got that?

3 . Using Timeline Remover Addon / Extension

This is the easiest way ever. You only need to visit this site and select your browser as shown below:

You just need to install the addon / extension and refresh your facebook profile page. You should see the old profile layout immediately. If also visit your friends’ timeline, you should the same old profile layout. The good thing about this addon is that it’s compatible with the most used web browsers and I’m sure a version for Safari will be out soon

4 . Using User Agent Switcher plus FB Purity Addon

This method is a bit complicated than the first and you need to install two Firefox addons (User agent switcher and FB Purity) to make this work. I’ve made a detailed explanation for that on this post and you can check that out.

Turn Facebook Timeline Into Pinterest Board


The Pinviewer Facebook App is certainly a great way to view images, posts and videos on Facebook as on Pinterest.You will most certainly like it. But one thing that could have been very awesome about it is if it could have been possible to make it the default facebook view. I reached out to the folks behind the app and they said that Facebook does not allow it. How sad! That means anytime you want to use the app you have to click its link on your homepage, or use this direct link.

If you are on Pinterest, feel free to follow my pins.

is the awesome new social network that everybody and their cat has being talking about of recent. It is an image sharing site where users pin images to boards(known as pin boards). If you are one of those that are stuck on facebook and believe that’s where there online world begins, then we have a way out for you. You can view and use Facebook as you would images on Pinterest .

Introducing Pinviewer

PinViewer is a Facebook app that lets you turn your Facebook Timeline into a Pinterest-like pinboard. It is an alternative way of viewing your facebook newsfeed stream, friends pictures, and videos

How To Get It.

Step 1: Navigate to https://apps.facebook.com/pinviewer/

Step 2: Click On ‘Get Started ‘.

Step 3: Accept the Facebook authorization prompts.

Your Facebook NewsField will then load in a beautiful streamline image layout that users of Pinterest will recognize. You can view your Timeline, pictures, videos and friends.

To view your Timeline(Wall), click on the image profile on the top bar.

To view your Pictures, Videos, friends and Newsfeed, just select the appropriate button and it will open in a beautiful glossy image view.

Friday 6 July 2012

Android's Latest


Android is still updating. The recent version of Android (Honey comb 3.1) has very advanced features and updated applications which are optimized for use on larger screen devices. These applications are mentioned below:

Gallery: Now the new gallery supports PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) so that users can directly connect their cameras with Android device and transfer pictures with a single touch.

Browser: Android's new version includes a number of new features for simple, fast and convenient browsing with the Quick UI controls. It also supports popular web standards like CSS 3D, Animations and CSS fixed positioning to all sites, mobile or desktop. It also supports playback of HTML5 video content. To make it better and convenient to manage favorite content, users can now save a web page locally for offline viewing, including all styling and images.

A clip of new browser

Email: When replying or forwarding an HTML message, The Email app now sends both plain text and HTML bodies as a multi-part mime message. This ensures that the message will be formatted properly for all recipients. Folder prefixes for IMAP accounts are now easier to define and manage. To conserve battery power and minimize cell data usage, the application now prefetches email from the server only when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi access point.
An updated Home screen widget give users quick access to more email. Users can touch Email icon at the top of the widget to cycle through labels such as Inbox, Unread, and Starred. The widget itself is now resizable, both horizontally and vertically.

Calendar: Calendar grids are larger, for better readability and more accurate touch-targeting. Additionally, users can create a larger viewing area for grids by hiding the calendar list controls. Controls in the date picker are redesigned, making them easier to see and use.

Enterprise support: Users can now configure an HTTP proxy for each connected Wi-Fi access point. This lets administrators work with users to set a proxy hostname, port, and any bypass sub domains. This proxy configuration is automatically used by the Browser when the Wi-Fi access point is connected, and may optionally be used by other apps. The proxy and IP configuration is now backed up and restored across system updates and resets.
For developers, Android’s new version has extended possibilities with new capabilities that developers can build on to create new and powerful applications for tablets and smart phones. Some of the new features for developers are:

•           Open Accessory API for rich interaction with peripherals
•           USB Host API
•           Input from mice , Joystick and game pad
•           Resizable home screen widgets
•           MTP(Media transfer protocol) ATI for integrating with external cameras
•           Real Time Transport – protocol (RTP) ATI for control over audio streaming sessions.
With all these new features Android 3.1 is making life more comfortable and advanced. Now with advanced browser, gallery, calendar, USB support, new hardwares supporting this OS are pretty convenient.
Cell phones have really evolved earlier features like camera and music player but now latest hardwares not only support such features but advanced use of such features as well as Bar code scanner, text scanner etc which has made life better and simpler and Android has played an instrumental role in this evolution with thousands of applications available in Android market and open chance for developers to make it more advanced and better. In a way Android has changed its users' life completely. 

Contacts: The Contacts app now lets you locate contacts more easily using full text search. Search returns matching results from all fields that are stored for a contact.

Other Mobile Operating Systems

Comparison between different Mobile OSs : Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone 7, Nokia Symbian

According to Canalys, In Q2 2009 Android had 2.8% market share which had grown to 33% market share by Q4 2010 which made Android leader of smart phone OSs worldwide. The market share for commonly used mobile OSs is shown in the following pie chart.

There are different other Mobile operating systems also present in market in competition with Android. Apple's iOS and Windows Phone give strong competition to Android. A simple comparison between features and specifications of latest version of Android and other Operating Systems can be seen in the table given above.

A large no of mobile companies are using Android. A list of companies supporting Android in their hardware is:

·         Acer Inc
·         ALCATEL ( TCL corporation )
·         Bluelans Communications
·         NCE casio Mobile Communications
·         Cherry Mobile
·         CSL
·         Dell
·         Garmin
·         Geeks Phone
·         General Mobile
·         High screen
·         HKC
·         HTC coroporation
·         Huawei
·         I-mobile
·         Lenovo
·         LG
·         Motorola
·         Samsung
·         Sony Ericsson
·         Videocon
.     ZTE

Features And Specifications Of Android



These are the basics of Android applications:
•      Android applications are composed of one or more application components (activities, services, content providers, and broadcast receivers)
•      Each component performs a different role in the overall application behavior, and each one can be activated individually (even by other applications)
•      The manifest file must declare all components in the application and should also declare all application requirements, such as the minimum version of Android required and any hardware configurations required
•      Non-code application resources (images, strings, layout files, etc.) should include alternatives for different device configurations (such as different strings for different languages)
Google, for software development and application development, had launched two competitions ADC1 and ADC2 for the most innovative applications for Android. It offered prizes of USD 10 million combined in ADC1 and 2. ADC1 was launched in January 2008 and ADC 2 was launched in May 2009. These competitions helped Google a lot in making Android better, more user friendly, advanced and interactive.

Features of Android OS

Android comes with an Android market which is an online software store. It was developed by Google. It allows Android users to select, and download applications developed by third party developers and use them. There are around 2.0 lack+ games, application and widgets available on the market for users.

Android applications are written in java programming language. Android is available as open source for developers to develop applications which can be further used for selling in android market. There are around 200000 applications developed for android with over 3 billion+ downloads. Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. For software development, Android provides Android SDK (Software development kit).

Android is a powerful Operating System supporting a large number of applications in Smart Phones. These applications make life more comfortable and advanced for the users. Hardwares that support Android are mainly based on ARM architecture platform. 

What's An Android ?


Android Logo

World is contracting with the growth of mobile phone technology. As the number of users is increasing day by day, facilities are also increasing. Starting with simple regular handsets which were used just for making phone calls, mobiles have changed our lives and have become part of it. Now they are not used just for making calls but they have innumerable uses and can be used as a Camera , Music player, Tablet PC, T.V. , Web browser etc . And with the new technologies, new software and operating systems are required.

What is Android

Android Versions and Updates

Operating Systems have developed a lot in last 15 years. Starting from black and white phones to recent smart phones or mini computers, mobile OS has come far away. Especially for smart phones, Mobile OS has greatly evolved from Palm OS in 1996 to Windows pocket PC in 2000 then to Blackberry OS and Android.
One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is ANDROIDAndroid is a software bunch comprising not only operating system but also middleware and key applications. Android Inc was founded in Palo Alto of California, U.S. by Andy Rubin, Rich miner, Nick sears and Chris White in 2003. Later Android Inc. was acquired by Google in 2005. After original release there have been number of updates in the original version of Android.
